Elementary and junior high academics

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Our elementary program follows the guidelines of the Ontario Ministry of Education at all grade levels in all subject areas. Our focus on literacy and numeracy provides our students with a strong foundation upon which to build through their later academic studies in high school and beyond. In their schoolwork and involvement in school activities, we aim to teach our students to be self-motivated, independent, and able to follow written and oral instructions. We also emphasis organization, planning, and prioritizing and encourage students to take responsibility for their schoolwork and be accountable for their actions.

Child writing

Elementary School

The curricula for the elementary school grades are available in PDF format.

Students reading

Grade 7

All grade 7 courses are compulsory.

  • English
  • French
  • Geography & History
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Computing & Coding
  • Bible
  • Music & Visual Arts
Grade 7 Course Descriptions
Student doing a worksheet

Grade 8

All grade 8 courses are compulsory.

  • English
  • French
  • Geography & History
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Computing & Coding
  • Bible
  • Music & Visual Arts
Grade 8 Course Descriptions

High school academics

NTCS offers a comprehensive, broad-based academic curriculum that covers all of the major academic subjects, preparing students for any post-secondary institution of learning that they might choose to attend. Over the years of graduating high school students to universities and colleges, NTCS has seen its students enter a wide variety of post-secondary programs and academic disciplines in preparation for diverse careers. At NTCS, high school students must study university preparation courses.

NTCS reserves the right to alter, at any time, the course selections described here by adding or removing courses or by revising the timetable to meet changing circumstances.

There are also ESL Course Descriptions available for download. For more information about this program, visit its page.

Chalk board

Grade 9

Compulsory courses are marked with an asterisk.

  • English / ESL *
  • Canadian Geography *
  • Mathematics *
  • Science *
  • French *
  • Healthy Active Living *
  • Information and Communication Technology in Business *
  • Any one of Music, Visual Arts, and Dramatic Arts *
  • Learning Strategies
Grade 9 Course Descriptions

Grade 10

Compulsory courses are marked with an asterisk.

  • English / ESL *
  • Canadian History *
  • Mathematics *
  • Science *
  • Civics & Career Studies *
  • Christian Studies *
  • French
  • Healthy Active Living
  • Computer Science
  • Introduction to Business
  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Dramatic Arts
Grade 10 Course Descriptions
Student speaking

Grades 11 and 12

Actual course offerings may vary from year to year depending on student demand.

Grade 11 Course Descriptions

Grade 12 Course Descriptions

Extra help and tutoring

Several levels of academic help are available for students struggling with content. Teachers generally notify their students of the days and times they are available for extra help, usually immediately after school. A peer tutoring program is also available to students who wish to have extra help in areas of difficulty, and teachers recommend senior students who excel in their studies as tutors.