Welcome to NTCS

North Toronto Christian School is a co-educational Christian elementary and high school, not affiliated with any specific church or denomination. The Bible is used as an integral part of the school curriculum and all matters of counselling, discipline, and school life are governed by a commitment to Biblical principles and values.

Happy students


E-Waste Campaign

The NTCS E-Waste Collection Campaign is back! Our electronic waste campaign will happen Mon. Mar. 31st to Thurs. Apr. 3rd. All collected waste will be picked up by Quantum Lifecycle Partners, a Canadian company that is an industry leader in responsible electronics recycling.

Summer 2025

Registration for our 2025 Camp Ke-Mon-Oya summer program is now open!

For camp details and our online registration, please visit our camp website, www.campkemonoya.com.

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Students laughing

Prospective students

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Students working

International students

Learn more about our international student program.

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Alumni memories

...I acknowledge without reservation or hesitation, that the nurturing environment, culture of achievement, and standard of excellence at Yorkland pushed me to become the best version of myself, self-aware of my academic and athletic strengths and weaknesses. Two notable examples that I cherish often: I recall the mock trials in Mr. Collins' Law class that pushed me to hone my analytical and public speaking skills, culminating in my achievement of the Grade 12 Law award. I also reflect on Mlle Gagne's approach in French class – which extended well-beyond language instruction, to lessons of empathy, perseverance and humility. In short, the wisdom and mentorship offered by every single member of TYS leadership, faculty and administration has left a lasting impression on me, and helped mold my character into the professional, husband, and father I am today. The truth is, Yorkland was more than just a school to us; it was an extension of our family and our homes.

Saro Khatchadourian

Saro Khatchadourian

Director, Global Public Affairs at Cisco Systems Inc.; Former political advisor in the Harper Government (2012-2015)

Class of 2007

Everything was new to me. I joined Grade 11 at NTCS/TYS as I moved to Canada. There were so many great memories: chatting with locker buddies, going between classrooms, listening to stories during homeroom, enjoying the walks to Tim Horton's with friends during breaks, enjoying the freshly baked cookies from cafeteria, participating in choir hosted by Mr. V, singing the anthem, wearing my first poppy, and learning the Christian music in assemblies. I sincerely appreciate everyone's love, patience, and the acknowledgement of my hard work. NTCS/TYS has provided me an unforgettable and the most positive environment to settle in Canada and in life. From not even following page numbers in Mrs. Douthwright's class to now, NTCS/TYS and everyone I've met there have played an important role for me and I'm forever grateful.

Doris Wong

Doris Wong

Senior Implementation Technologist at Mars Canada Inc.

Class of 2011

Read More Alumni Memories
Teachers laughing

Get in touch

Do you have any questions, requests, concerns, or suggestions? We'd love to hear from you!

Our school office is open from 8 AM to 4:30 PM on all school days, or you can reach out via our website, email, or phone.

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